Your school set martial arts abilities will also help you to determine this. Your school’s Inner Skill will boost certain damage types, and that is one of the factors that determines if your character should stack statistics for Internal or External damage. How Does This Affect the Gear I should Equip? How Do I Tell What Attributes I Use?

This will also determine what kind of gear your character should equip to gain bonuses. You should choose which Meridians you will cultivate based on whether you want to focus on your school’s Internal or External sets. Even if you stack Internal statistics you can still learn and use External skill sets, and vice versa.

Most schools have 2 sets of one damage type and a third set of a different damage type. There are four sub stypes: yin, yang, hard, and soft. In Age of Wulin, there are three main damage types: Internal, External and Tai Chi (also spelled Tai Ji). Internal and External – What does this mean?